Saturday, August 7, 2010

Morning Lesson

I want to remember this morning's lesson, it was a powerful one. I woke up in a bad mood, back pain, stomach in a knot and just generally grumpy. Usually when I get like this I get out of the house and just move on with my day as quick as I can kind of like escaping from my own mind into my daily activities. But this day I was not granted such a privilege. I just couldn't get into a groove, things just kept happening that irritated me. Finally fully dressed, dogs walked, all the am activities where done and I was free to choose what to do for the rest of the day or morning or whatever but at that point all I wanted to do was to get back into bed EVERYTHING irritated me. I stopped and told myself to stop bickering. Just take the first step to do something and stop thinking about all things I cannot control or wish were different. Rather than allow things to irritate me I started looking for things that made me smile and feel good. My little dog sleeping on my lap, reading inspiring articles on the net. So I started to poke around on the computer and in looking for something to motivate me I found a really great reading list! It's not motivational materials at all but all on nutrition and cleansing. This subject I find interesting and seems to perk me up and get me feeling happy and motivated just reading about other people's experiences and what they are doing to stay interested and excited about nutrition. Many books on the list were new ones for me with the exception of the Gerson Miracle so I'm excited to share the list:

I'm most excited about reading 'The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse' as Dr. Dadamo talked about liver and gallbladder heath being very important for my Blood Type (Type A) in 'Eat Right for Your Type' I also found a lot of benefit from these other powerful nutritional books:

Alkalize or Die!' by Dr. T.A. Baroody

'The Body Ecology Diet' by Donna Gates

'Live Right for Your Type' by Dr. Dadamo

It's amazing how just getting on the computer and reading about positive change and healthy habits gets me feeling better and onto healthy habits rather than indulgences to help 'cope' with negative feelings. So I've been getting more involved with finding good facebook groups one of my favorites today was Juicing For Health at!/Juicing.for.Health

There is a whole world out there with positive and healthy things to share so it just comes down to looking for and focusing on what I want not what I don't want. Reading an article about "Let Go and Let God" brought me to the nutritional reading link, I could have just as easily read about the latest drama or something terrible going on but why seek these things out? I'm grateful for this lesson and I am dedicated to continuing my journey for knowledge and happiness. It's the journey that has been bringing me happiness after all!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Let’s share how to heal ourselves and heal this world!

Let's share how to heal ourselves and heal this world!
Wow, there is a lot going on in the world! With so much information it can be a struggle to find balance, peace and happiness. Yes, I do believe that we don't just deserve these things as human beings we need balance, peace and happiness in order to be healthy and productive in this sweet life. Do you feel disconnected? Well, you are not alone. I felt very disconnected and a year ago I decided to do something about it. At the age of 23, I had it all as far as material possessions go and I was very unhappy. I had a booming business, a huge new house that the kids called a castle and adults admired as a mansion, a car that was fit for royalty, clothes, shoes, and vacations to 5 star international destinations. Did I mention that all this came from nothing more than intention &  dedication? That's right, we started with next to nothing and we made it an empire. But it wasn't enough, we were unbalanced and so we were unhealthy. What's the point of life anyways? Is it to have things and possessions or is it more than that? What about quality of life? What is the definition of living richly to you? After being 100 percent dedicated to working for our net sheet, we did a 180 and took a big step in another direction. Balance and peace is what we work to cultivate now and the miracles have been incredible! Retraining the brain and healing the body is no simple task and I hope to share resources and guides with this blog to help heal the world one click at a time. Please help to share this link and share your ideas. Let's share how to heal ourselves and heal this world!
Warm Regards,
Sara Raphaelle